Health Care


Over 20 years ago, students from the NLVS chapter at Loyola University collaborated to develop a student-led initiative aimed at providing healthcare to the underserved. This effort resulted in the establishment of a weekly free health clinic in the West Ridge neighborhood.


Since its inception, the clinic has operated consistently, offering invaluable opportunities for students to engage in hands-on, collaborative service for the uninsured and underinsured community.  Today the program has grown to include students from four medical schools and three undergraduate universities.  

Our Mission

The NLVS free health clinic serves as a comprehensive medical care facility dedicated to serving the uninsured and underinsured of Chicago in primary and secondary prevention of chronic medical conditions and also training future health care professionals by providing an educational setting to learn and practice clinical skills.

Our Services

We empower our patients to manage their health with one-on-one nutrition and lifestyle counselling. Our medical students and clinicians provide culturally sensitive and informed health education. We also offer health fairs throughout nearby communities.

Medications for both acute infections and chronic conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, are provided at no cost to patients. Every effort is made to provide free medications and help patients purchase low-cost medications.

Bloodwork, including complete blood count, complete metabolic profile, fasting lipid profile, HbA1c, liver function tests, and thyroid function tests are available at no charge. Urinalysis and EKGs are also free to our patients.

Shared Medical Appointment

Shared medical appointments (SMAs) are an opportunity for patients to see a doctor along with other patients who have the same health condition. Patients are provided with an educational workshop providing them with general information about the disease. After the workshop, patients are individually assessed by medical students and physicians. This program involves multiple providers including physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, and behavioral providers in a group setting with multiple patients.


Contact us to see when there are available appointments.

  • Call Us! (773) 275-8630

2645 W Peterson Ave, Chicago, IL 60659